Wednesday, December 11, 2013

 December 6, 2013

Finally our posters get posted!!  :-))  In Social Studies we are studying holidays, when they are and why we celebrate them.  Besides memorizing facts about them, I wanted my students to make something fun from their learning about these days.

If I don't have your picture up, its coming soon!!  Be patient!

  My students broke up into groups that they chose( yes, sometimes I allow them to chose through a controlled environment).  They had to each find out 3 facts about their holiday.  Once they came back with the facts, they decided which facts to use.  They only had to have 5 facts on the poster.  I anticipated some repeated facts.  
 They collaborated as a group and decided how they wanted to decorate their posters.  
They decided what they each wanted to contribute to the poster.  They worked on the posters themselves for 2 class periods.  
 Once all the posters were done, they shared with the rest of the class.  It was fun seeing how enthusiastic they were about the work they did on their posters!


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